
I do not want to decide anything!

Oh, I do not want to decide anything; I want someone else to do this.

Do I want to? But I also want to find someone who will make decisions for me. 

I wanted to lie under a palm tree and drink a cold mojito, and my wallet was full of currency. The more I spend, the more I get. What a thrill! 

I also want to yell to my butler, "Jacques, Jacques. Where the hell have you been? I've got friends coming for dinner. Tell the cook to have quails ready by 6:00 and get me a 20-year-old semi-dry red wine. Oh, and have the pool cleaned."

The ability to say essential words!

The other day I heard an excellent dialogue between a mother and her 4-5 years old son. They were taking a long walk, and the child became cranky because he was tired of walking. 

The mother said, "Daniel, I'm tired too. It's also hard for me, but we must continue walking. As soon as you and I get home, we'll rest together. But, please, think about how you can help yourself now. You realize you have to go anyway, and it's up to you how and when you get there."

Is it too late to start?

I am already 45, and my life is over. It is too late for me to love, start something, change, give birth, make money, travel, breathe deeply, divorce, get married, go to the party, go to restaurants, study, and make friends. This list can go on forever.

At first, I thought this was a problem for people like me - born in Soviet times and grown up after many Eastern European countries broke away from the big RED. But, BTW, particular studies confirm this theory.

Why is dialogue so important?

I often think about what is behind a person's desire to impose their point of view. Is this an attempt to amuse their ego? The urge to assert themselves and pat themselves on the back, "how good am I"?

⠀Usually, low self-esteem and intolerance of other people's opinions are generally behind this.

⠀Can we talk about accepting and respecting the interlocutor's opinion in this case? Nope. A person who agrees with the diversity of the world and the people in it will never shove their valuable "how it should be, or I know better" into you.

Three main factors of an effective team you can't afford to miss!

All-star teams fail because they rely solely on the individual's talent. The Soviets win because they take that talent and use it inside a system that's designed for the betterment of the team.

Herb Brooks

Whenever I am asked to provide the main factors for building up an effective team, this quote comes into mind. However, I am absolutely dazzled by the last six words: "for the betterment of the team".

Hence, there must be something or a set of things you must implement and do for the betterment of the team.