How can a coach help you to have a better life?
Over the past couple of years, I've been doing many coaching sessions with people from all backgrounds. I am amazed to see people's reactions when they dive into the coaching experience. ...
How can a Coach help you solve your problems?
Coaching is a system of methods and techniques to help a person make a decision on their own. A coach does not give advice, does not solve a problem for a client, and does not persuade or discourage the client. ⠀ ...
What will they think and say about me?
Fear of public opinion. It's one of the most common fears that prevent us from achieving what we want. ⠀ ...
Why we don't do what we love?
I am confident you have your favourite excuse story, that hilarious one. Mine dates a few years back - a rural grocery store manager recounts Her experience: ...
Is Envy Bad?
Why are you envious? You can't be that way, remember? Only bad people envy. Have you heard that one? Since childhood, children are told about "bad envy". You can't; it's terrible; stop it; that's what evil people do. What if we looked at envy from a different angle? ...
I do not want to decide anything!
Oh, I do not want to decide anything; I want someone else to do this. Do I want to? But I also want to find someone who will make decisions for me. ...
The ability to say essential words!
The other day I heard an excellent dialogue between a mother and her 4-5 years old son. They were taking a long walk, and the child became cranky because he was tired of walking. ...
Is it too late to start?
I am already 45, and my life is over. It is too late for me to love, start something, change, give birth, make money, travel, breathe deeply, divorce, get married, go to the party, go to restaurants, study, and make friends. This list can go on forever. ...
Catch your wave - How to find the purpose of your life?
You're lucky; you caught the wave in time, have good karma, and are charismatic, pretty, sexy, and energetic. If I had what you have, I'd do many things. People like to justify their inaction and devalue the success of others. ...
Strength comes from childhood
I only became interested in psychology and coaching once I learned how much our childhood influences the rest of our life. But what we have learned in childhood predetermines our actions later. ...
Why is dialogue so important?
I often think about what is behind a person's desire to impose their point of view. Is this an attempt to amuse their ego? The urge to assert themselves and pat themselves on the back, "how good am I"? ...
The Law of Awareness - Unmasking THE CODEPENDENCY!
Helena looked silently after Andrew. It seemed to her that her world had collapsed. She had no idea how she would live or what she would do; she just wanted to lie down and die. ...