Is Envy Bad?

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash | Envy

Why are you envious? You can't be that way, remember? Only bad people envy. Have you heard that one? Since childhood, children are told about "bad envy". You can't; it's terrible; stop it; that's what evil people do.


What if we looked at envy from a different angle?

After all, you often envy what you don't have.


  • The easy life. "Of course, his life is perfect. He gets everything in his hands, and everything is easy for him. He's never lifted a finger in his life."
  • A beautiful body form. "Of course, she has such a body form. That's why she has such a man around."
  • Love. "Why does he look at her with those loving eyes? Why can't I have that?"
  • Happiness. "Ah, there are happy people. Everything is fine and smooth with them."
  • Respect. "Why do people talk to me like that? Am I a child or what?"
  • Freedom. "If I had free time and opportunities, I would do many things!"
  • Money. "Well, why should he care? He has so much money."
  • Popularity. "Everything is good with her, and they'll listen to her. She has authority, after all."
  • Success. "He's a lucky one! He's 33 years old and already has money, a career, love, recognition, and success."


What if we consider envy as a guide for life? After all, you envy what you don't have. That's where you have nothing. 


GIVE yourself what you envy. Yes, maybe it won't be like "that one". But it will be, even if it's not much. It will be more soon. 


Do you lack love? How can you give yourself this love? What do you need to do? After all, love is not always a relationship between a man and a woman. Love is everywhere, in everything; four types of love coherently appear in our lives. 


Do you lack freedom? What is the space for you? How much freedom do you need? Sometimes freedom means going to a cafe on Fridays with friends. Think about how you can give it to yourself. 


And all the other things on your "Envy" list 


So to summarize, envy is a normal feeling; it's our litmus test, our indicator. That's what all of our senses are made for. So how will you know what you need if you don't feel anything? You won't.


You don't have to divide feelings into good and evil. There is a time and necessity in EVERY emotion. 


To conclude, envy, similarly to love, has various expressions:


  •  You envy, yet don't move a finger to change your life. That affects your mood; you prefer the role of spectator,
  • You envy, try to set the growth path, and even take a couple of actions. Yet, give up on the first failure. That affects your character.
  • You envy, take inspiration from others and get it done. That's the desired level.

As you can see, envy is an emotion in different forms; the question is - which do you pick?


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